Energetic life

Energetic life

Energetic life

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Communication Diagnosis
The priest Ryokan... asked Zen master Bukkan... for an explination of the four Dharma-worlds...[Bukkan] said: "To explain the four Dharama-worlds should not need a lot...
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Novice Small Bites
This Hexagram is made up of Sun (wood, penetration) above, i.e. without, and Ken (mountain, stillness) below, i.e. within. A tree on a mountain develops...
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Soft Information
One who studies ancient tactics and employs the army in accord with their methods is no different from someone who glues up the tuning stops...
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The New Prude Hug
It is a stroke of good fortune to find a good victim, who is worth seducing. Most people rush ahead, become engaged or do other...
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Business Cultural Orientation 
That which knows all things and is known by none is the subject. Thus it is the supporter of the world, that condition of all...
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Red-Line Wealth
A good cause is in a better position if it is before a judge than before an arbitrator, because the words of the law tie...
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