Cognitive Fusion

Formely the mind was not brought into play through the meduim of exact thought. its serious business lay in the working out of forms and symbols. That has now changed. Any serioussness in symbolism is at present the indication of a deficient education- Human all too human (1878)

The Cortex has the ability to predict future events and imagine their consequences, experience anticipation – which is both a blessing and a curse that brings Anxiety. Firstly by processing sensory information(sight/sounds), it can interpret perfectly safe sensations as threatening – thus sending a message to the amygdala to produce anxiety. 
Cortex can also produce anxieties without any external sensations of worry/distressing thoughts – by the experience of anticipation that is often more distressing.



  • Anxiety provoking stimulus – 
    • “You learn to fear or to be anxious about the trigger” 
    • It would not cause fear for most people 
  • Activate Amygdala alarm system as a result of association-based/pairing learning 
  • Refers to anything – event, object, sound or smell 

Lack of Historical sense is the traditional defect in all philosophers. […] It is the charcteristic of an advanced civilzation to set a higher value opon little, simple truths, ascertained by scientfic method, that upon pleasing and magnificent errors originating in metaphysical and aesthetical epochs and people – Human all too human (1878)


  • Is not logical  – Based-emotions that is based on association which are not rational
  • The original cause of amygdala-based anxiety is not necessary to be aware of, in order to change the emotional circuitry 
  • People experience the connection between the object and fear, but they may not recognize or understand the connection 
  • The language is experience
    • To change response to an object or situation, the amygdala needs experience with the object/situation for new learning to occur 
    • It is most effective when the person directly interacts, but also observing another person affects the amygdala 
    • Because the amygdala learns on the basis of pairings/associations – it must experience
  • There is a need to activate its circuits to generate new associations – “Activate to generate”


Cognitive fusion is created in the Cortex and makes people more likely to respond to the thought of an event in the same way as if the event occurred. Cognitive function produces a rigid belief that thoughts and emotions should be treated as though they reflect ultimate reality – believing in the absolute truth of mere thoughts.


Astrology presupposes that the heavenly bodies are regulated in their movements in harmony with the destiny of mortals: The moral man presupposes that that which concerns himself most nearly must also be the heart and soul of things – Human all too human (1878)

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