Activate To Generate

With rage, his black heart was wholly filled, and his eyes were like blazing fire. – HOMER 8th century BC, Iliad I 103-104

The goal is to modify anxiety reactions that interfere with the ability to live life in accordance with wishes. The focus on certain situations that produce high levels of anxiety. 

There is a need to expose the Amygdala to situations that contradict the association between trigger to a negative event – Exposing and practising repeatedly to create a new neural pathway. Exposing the amygdala creates new connections in response to new information.



  • Diagram triggers- Specific knowledge about own triggers is essential
    • Internal sensations 
      • Chills 
      • Pounding heart 
      • Freeze legs 
  • Practical Triggers – Talking about weaknesses to others 
    • Judgment of others 
    • Connecting with new people 
    • Crows and eye-watching 
    • The other sex

Greif came upon the son Peleus, and within his shaggy breast, his heart was divided, whether he should draw his sharp sword from beside his thigh, and break up the assembly, and slay the son of Atreus, or stay his anger and curb his spirit. While he pondered this in mind and heart and was drawing from its sheath his great sword, Athene came from heaven. The white-armed goddess Hera Had sent her forth, for in her heart she loved and cared for both men alike. She stood behind him, and seized the son of Peleus by his fair hair, appearing to him alone. No one of the others saw her. Homer (Iliad 188-198) 




For the rest of the Danaans hath the son of Cronos scattered in flight. But why doth my heart thus hold converse with me? For I know that they are cowards that depart from battle, whereas whoso is pre-eminent in a fight, him verily it behoveth to hold his ground boldly, whether he be smitten, or smite another. – Illiad XI 406-410


Activate to generate – Must experience fear or anxiety in order to conquer it. It is necessary to experience anxiety – must activate the neurons to generate new connections.

Exposure Therapy

  • The amygdala begins to pair a feared situation with safety 
  • People are exposed to situations or objects they fear 
  • Gradual or abrupt 
  • Key to allow anxiety to run its course peaking then lowering without escaping the situation 
  • Exposure – It is important not to leave the exposure before anxiety subsides
    • Anxiety typically arises to an uncomfortable level and then begins to subside 


For the colour of the coward changeth ever to another hue, nor has the spirit in his breast stayed that he should abide steadfast, but he shifteth from knee to knee and resteth on either foot, and his heart beats loudly in his breast as he bodeth death, and the teeth chatter in his mouth; but the colour of the brave man changeth not, neither fearth he overmuch when once he taketh his place in the ambush of warriors, but he prayeth to mingle forthwith in woeful war – not even in such case, I say, would any man make light of thy courage or the stretch of thy hands. Iliad XIII 279-287


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