Low Hanging Waves

I was a believer in the politics of petitions, deputations and friendly negotiations. But all these have gone to dogs. I know that these are not the ways to bring this Government around. Sedition has become my religion. Our is a nonviolent war. – MAHAMTMA GHANDI (1869-1947)

Making Waves

  • Virtual Wave – Learning, Designing change, building support, implementing change and observing the result 
    • 0-3 months – Transition
    • 3-6 months – Immersal 
    • 6-9 months – Reshape 
    • 9+ months – Consolidations 
  • The intensity of change by a new leader – afterwards, consolidate and get ready for the next wave
    • Make changes – Unending is a surefire recipe to burnout people 
      • If you don’t, it is impossible to know what really working
  • I Wave – The goal is to secure early wins 
    • Tailor early initiatives – establish key relationships 
    • Build personal credibility 
    • Identify and harvest low-hanging fruit – the highest potential opportunities for short-term improvements in the organization’s performance
  • II Waves – The fundamental issues of strategy 
    • Skills to reshape the organization – Structure systems 

The Devotion of his soldiers to him affirmed in many stories, must be a fact. [Julius Caesar ] could not have done what he did without it. The speech in which it is always said he quelled a mutiny with a single word, calling his men not fellow soldiers as was his custom, but citizens, civilians, shows a great deal more about his methods than the mere clever use of a term. It was a most critical moment for him. He was in Rome after Pmpey’s defeat, on the point sailing for Africa, to put down the powerful senatorial army there. In the city, he was surrounded by bitter enemies. His whole dependence was his army, and the best and most trusted legion in it mutinied. THE ROMAN WAY, EDITH HAMILTON, 1932

 They nearly killed their officer; they marched to Rome and claimed their discharge; they would serve Caesar no longer. He sent for them, telling them to bring their swords with them, a direction perfectly characteristic of him. Everything told of him shows his unconcern about danger to himself. Face to face with them, he asked them to state their case and listened while they told him all they had done and suffered and been poorly rewarded for, and demanded to be discharged. His speech in answer was also charchterstic, very gentle, very brief, exactly to the point: ” You say well, citizens. You have worked hard – you have suffered much. You desire your discharge, You have it. I discharge you all. THE ROMAN WAY, EDITH HAMILTON, 1932

Problematic Patterns 

  • Identify and support behaviour change 
    • Start to identify unwanted behaviours 
    • You might have to change dysfunctional patterns 
  • Sense of urgency – Define goals that you can lead with distinct end point in mind 
  • Discipline – People exhibit great variation in performance 
  • Teamwork – Early wins – The team must help build momentum in short term
    • Lay the foundation for achieving long-term business goals  
  • Innovations – recruit new employees – The plans are consistent and agreed upon by the bosses
  • Focus – Too much unclear priorities – resources are too thin 
  • “Low-hanging fruit” Traps – fine tactic up to a point – The focus on problems that are easiest to fix quickly

“You shall have your recompense. It shall never be said of me that I made use of you when I was in danger and was ungrateful to you when danger was past.” That was all, yet the legionaries listening were completely broken to his will. They cried out that they would never leave him; they implored him to forgive them, to receive them again as his soldiers. Back of the words was his personality, and although that can never be recaptured, something of it yet comes through the brief, bald sentences: the strength that faced tranquillity desertion at a moment of great need; the pride that would not utter a word of appeal or reproach the mild tolerance of one who knew men and counted upon nothing from them. THE ROMAN WAY, EDITH HAMILTON, 1932

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