Ensnaring The Beauty

A woman is much better persuaded that she is loved by what she guesses than by what she is told – Anne “Ninón” de l’Enclos 1620 – 1705

In all areas of life, we should never give the impression that the seducer is angling for something – raises resistance that will never be lowered. The seducer learned how to approach from the side- manoeuvring to blend in and to create more room – seeming unthreatening. By the time people realize it, it is too late. Even in politics, overt ambition often frightens people.

Spider Web

  • The longer the web takes, the more fabulous its construction 
  • The spider sits quietly in the corner 
    • There is no need to chase for food 
    • No need to move 
    • Finds an innocuous corner in which to spin its web 
  • Wait for the victim to come to it on their own 
    • Ensnare themselves in the web
  • Disguising intentions – Add to the pleasure 
    • A necessity to learn to disguise the feelings and let people figure out what is happening to themselves 

The highest values in the service of which man ought to live, more particularly when they oppressed and constrained him most – these social values, owing to their tone-strengthening tendencies, were built over men’s heads as though they were the will of Zeus or “reality” or the actual world, or even hope for a world to come. Now that the lowly origin of these values has become known, the whole universe seems to have been transvalued and to have lost its significance – but this is only an intermediate stage.THE WILL TO POWER 1901

The consequence of Nihilism (disbelief in all values) as a result of moral valuation – we have grown to dislike egotism ( even though we have realized the impossibility of altruism) – we have grown to dislike what is most necessary ( although we have recognized the impossibility of a “liberum arbitrium” and of an “intelligible freedom”). We perceive that we do not reach the spheres in which we have set our values – at the same time, those other spheres in which we live have not thereby gained one iota in value. On the contrary, we are tired, because we have lost the main incentive to live. “all in vain Hiteherto!” – THE WILL TO POWER 1901

The Beauty

  • Is gazed at by others since early childhood 
    • Source of power and unhappiness – Worry that her powers are waning
  • Excellent victim – suffers isolation
    • The downside is the constant attention and care – as she has many insecurities 
  • Passive – Because of being looked at all the time
    • Beneath there is frustration  – a love for action and to do the chase herself
  • Seduction – Easy with little coquettishness 
    • Validation of skills, character and intelligence 
    • Going a little cold accompanied by a worship of body and soul
    • intellectual stimulate 

Pessimism as a preparatory state to Nihilism. Pessimism viewed as strength – in what respect? In the energy of its logic, as anarchy, Nihilism and analysis. Pessimism is regarded as collapse – in what sense?  In the sense of its being a softening influence, a sort of cosmopolitan fingering, a “tout comprendre”, and a historical spirit. Critical tension: extremes make their appearance and become dominant. – THE WILL TO POWER 1901


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