Lurking Design

So then the world as an idea, the only aspect in which we consider it at present, has two fundamental, necessary, and inseparable halves. The one half is the object, the forms of which are space and time, and through these multiplicities. The other half, is the subject which is not in space and time, for it is present, entire and undivided, in every percipient being. So that any one percipient being, with the object, constitutes the whole world as an idea just as fully as the existing millions could do; but if this one were to disappear, then the whole world as an idea would cease to be. Arthur Schopenhauer1788-1860

Once the leader has identified important problems, it’s time to decide whether to engage in planned change or collective learning. The key is to identify both good and bad elements of existing culture.


Potential Problems Lurking

  • Customers, markets, strategy and competitors 
  • Organization politics 
  • External environment 
    • Public opinion 
    • Government policies 
    • Economic conditions 
  • Internal capabilities 

Heracles Tenth labour was to feth the famous cattle of Geryon from Erytheia, an island near the ocean stream, without either demand or payment. Geryon, a son of Chrsaor and Caliirrhoe, a daughter of the Titan oceathe was the king of Tartessus in Spain, and reputedly the strongest man alive. He had been born with three heads, six hands, and three bodies joined together at the waist. Geryon’s shambling red cattle, beasts of marvellous beauty, were guarded by the herdsman Eurytion, son of Ares, and by the two-headed watching Orthrus – for merely Atlas property – Born of Typhoon and Echidne . . .THE GREEK MYTHS VOL.2 ROBERT GRAVES 1955

Pay attention to identifying ticking time bombs. when bolts come out of the blue – one must grit teeth and mount the best crisis response. Disciple either to dig into areas where you are not fully comfortable – different parts of the organization have different parts of the puzzle.

Organization Design

  • Think of it as an open systems 
    • Systems – The core process
      • Structure, skill basses, strategy (mission/vision)
  • “Open” – key players in the external environment 
    • Customers, government, distributors, competition, suppliers, media 
  • Internal environment – climate, morale and culture

On his arrival, [Hercules] ascended Mount Abas. The dog Orthrus rushed at him, barking, but Heracles club struck him lifeless; and Eurytion, Geryon’s herdsman, hurrying to Orthrus’ aid, died in the same manner. Hercules then proceeded to drive away the cattle. Menoetes, who was pasturing the cattle of Hades nearby – but Heracles had left these untouched – took the news to Geron. Challenged to battle, Heracles ran to Geryon’s flank and shot him sideways through all three bodies with a single arrow. . . As Hera hastened to Geryon’s assistance, Heracles wounded her with an arrow in the right breast, and she fled. Thus he won the cattle, without either demand or payment.. .THE GREEK MYTHS VOL.2 ROBERT GRAVES 1955

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