Adequate Coherence

We have already observed that it is a highly important discovery of Kant’s, that these conditions, these forms of the visible world, i.e, the absolutely universal element in its perception, the common property of all its phenomena, space and time, even when taken by themselves and apart from their content, can, not only be thought in the abstract, but also be directly perceived; and that this perception or intuition is not some kind of phantasm arising from constant recurrence in experience, but is so entirely independent of experience that we must rather regard the later as dependent on it, inasmuch as the qualities of space and time, as they are known in a prior perception or intuition, are valid for all possible experience, as rules to which it must invariably conform. Arthur Schopenhauer {1788-1860}


  • Clear Logic – Customer, products, technology, plans, resource commitments
    • To assess whether the elements of the strategic direction fit together 
    • How do you evaluate it ? – Look at the documents of mission, vision and strategy
      • Disassemble into its components 
  • Logic Components – Functional plans, Markets, Product, Tech, Goals
  • Ramifications – Practical aspect – Capabilities
    • What to create or acquire? 
    • What to build up? what are we good /bad at?
    • Leverage existing capability? 
  • Ask do the various dimensions support each other.
    • Product development, budget with investments in the operation part of the strategy
    • Plans to train salespeople for new products?
    • Specific – is there an obvious connection between market analysis and group objectives?

Accordingly, in my essay on the principle of sufficient reason, I have treated space and time, because they are perceived as pure and empty of content, as a special and independent class of ideas. This quality of the universal forms of intuition, which was discovered by Kant, that they may be perceived in themselves and apart from experience, and that they may be known as exhibiting those laws on which is founded the infallible science of mathematics, is certainly very important. – Arthur Schopenhauer{1788-1860}

Adequacy Assessment

  • Probe history of strategic direction – Who drove the defining? in a rush?
  • Is the direction sufficient for this unit to 2-3 years?
    • If yes, it might represent a lowest common denominator compromise that emerged from a political battle.
    • Did it take a long time? Sufficient for larger organization goals?
  • Probing questions – Does your boss believe the correct direction will provide enough return on the effort of the group?
    • Are there plans to secure, develop and preserve resources for carrying it out?
    • enough money for capital investment research?
    • Are profits and other targets high enough to stay on track?

Not less worthy of remark, however, is this other quality of time and space, that the principle of sufficient reason, which conditions experience as the law of causation and of motive, and though as the law of the basis of judgment, appears here in quite a special form, to which I have given the name of the ground of being. In time, this is the succession of its movement, and in space the position of its parts, which reciprocally determine each other ad Infinium.  – Arthur Schopenhauer{1788-1860}


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