Reverse Deterrence


Therefore the belief in the freedom of the will is a primordial error of everything organic as old as the very earliest inward prompting of the logical faculty; belief in unconditioned substances and in like things (glieiche Dinge) is also a primordial and equally ancient error of everything organic. Inasmuch as all metaphysic has concerned itself particularly with substance and with freedom of will, it should be designated as the science that deals with the fundamental errors of mankind as if they were fundamental truths.HUMAN ALL TOO HUMAN , 1878

The recipe for disaster is to give in completely, surrendering without a fight – hands the aggressors easy victory and makes you resentful and bitter. Showing weakness, inviting more threats and attacks – or pleasing and appeasing opponents. It can turn into a bad habit – taking the path of the least resistance in dealing with difficult situations.
Trying to fend opponents off by giving part of what they want.


  • Play on people’s natural fears and anxieties to make them think twice 
    • Fighting head-on is generally foolish 
  • Simply a matter of turning the dynamic around – altering any perception of yourself as weak and naive 
  • Sending the message that battle with you will not be easy – Disguising weakness
  • Generally done by taking some visible action that will confuse the aggressor
    • Make the aggressors think they have misread you – you might be vulnerable, but they are not sure
  • Strategically uncertainty is sometimes better than an overt threat
    • If your opponents are never sure what messing with you costs. They will not want to find out
    • Create a reputation – make it credible with a few impressively violent acts
      • Fighting you is not worth it – a little crazy 
      • Taking enemies with you when you lose 
  • Fight-off and distract Aggressors – Keep them from attacking in the first place
  • Create a threatening presence – The accomplishment of creating an impression of being more powerful than you are


Reverse Intimidation

  • Inevitable facing people who are more aggressive, crafty and ruthless 
    • Fighting is what they are good at 
    • Determined to get what they want 
    • Unscrupulous to boot 
  • Option Developed over the centuries by military leaders and strategists to deal with violent and acquisitive neighbours 
    • Instead of trying to avoid conflict or whining about injustice
  • Art of deterrence – based on 3 facts about war and human nature 
    • I. People are more likely to attack you if they see you as weak or vulnerable 
    • II. People cannot know for sure that you are weak – they depend on signs you give out, through past and present behaviour 
    • III. People are after easy victory, quick and boldless – this is why they prey on weak and vulnerable


Number – The invention of the laws of number has as its basis the primordial and prior-prevailing delusion that many like things exist (although in point of fact there is no such thing as a duplicate) or that, at least, there are things( but there is no “thing”). The assumption of plurality always presupposes that somethings exists which manifests itself repeatedly, but just here is where the delusion prevails; in this very matter we feign realities, unities, that have no existence. Our feelings, and notions, of space and time are false for they lead, when duly tested, to logical contradictions.  HUMAN ALL TOO HUMAN , 1878

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