The Underdog Philosophy

The Scientific spirit previals only partially, not wholly. The general universal sciences, considered as a great ,basic unity, posit the question – truly a very living question – to what purpose? what is the use?. […] There has never been a philosophical system in which philosophy iteselft was not made the apologist of knowledge. On this point, at least, each is optimistic and insists that to knowledge the highest utility must be ascribed. They are all under the tyranny of logic, which is, from its very nature, optimisim. – Human all too human (1878) 



  • The etymology goes back to classical Greece. The word only began to be used in Britain, France, and Germany in the late 18th century 
  • Governed by the starting point, not the endpoint 
  • Summoned due to the inherent unpredictability of human affairs 
    • Chance events 
    • Efforts of opponent 
    • Misstep of friends 
  • Full of drama, fluid and flexible 
  • A Process of a series of states that require reappraisal – Each state is not anticipated and modifies the original strategy and objectives
  • Issues 
    • The value of Alliance 
    • The role of battle 
    • The respective merits of force and guile 


Philosophy severed itself from science when it put the question: What is that knowledge of the world and of life through which mankind may be made happiest? This happened when Socratic School arose – Human all too human (1878) 

We see all things through the medium of the human head [Subjectivity*] and we cannot well cut off this head: although there remains the question what part of the world would be left after it had been cut off – Human all too human (1878) 

Underdog Strategy

  • Application of a superior intelligence (Sun-tzu, Odysseus,..)
  • The starting balance of power would predict defeat 
  • Takes advantage of the boring/ponderous/muscle-bound approach adopted by those who take their superior resources for granted 
  • Provide real tests of creativity 
  • Means 
    • Speed
    • Deceits 
    • Ruses 
    • Feint 
    • Manoeuvre 
    • Quicker wit 
  • Victory at a reasonable cost 


Accordingly nothing could be predicated of the metaphysical world beyond the fact that it is in an elsewhere. Another sphere, inaccessible and incomprehensbile to us: It would beome a thing of negative properties – Human all too human (1878) 


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