Nihilistic consequences of history and of the “practical historian” i.e. the romanticist. The attitude of art is quite unoriginal in modern life. Its gloominess. Goethe’s so-called Olympian state. Nihilism as an outcome of the valuations and interpretations of existence which have prevailed heretofore. What does Nihilism mean? – That the highest values are losing their value. There is no bourne. There is no answer to the question: “To what purpose?” – Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900)
To create temptation and let the right victim follow, a seducer needs to lure with an irresistible pleasure or adventure.
The Right Victim
- The first phase – Seducers choose only those who are proactive or susceptible to their charms
- Often isolated or unhappy or can be easily made so
- Those for whom a seducer can fill a void
- Who sees in the seducer something exotic
- Everything depends on the victim – study thoroughly
- Avoid completely contented people as they are impossible to seduce
Against “Purposelessness” on the one hand, against moral valuation on the other: how far has all science and philosophy been cultivated heretofore under the influence of moral judgements? […] The Nihilistic consequences of present natural science (along with its attempts to escape into the Beyond). halation, an antagonistic attitude towards itself – a sort of anti -scientifically. Since Copernicus man has been rolling away from the centre towards X.- Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900)
The Nihilistic consequences of the political and politico-economical way of thinking, where all principles at length become tainted with the atmosphere of the platform: the breath of mediocrity, insignificance, dishonesty, etc. Nationalism, Anarchy, etc. Punishment. Everywhere the deliverer is missing, either as a class or as a single man- the justifier. – Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900)
Disappointed Dreamer
- As children spend lots of time alone
- Developed lots of fantasies, fed by books, movies
- Beneath the surface, they are bitter and hunger for grand and romance
- Excellent and satisfying – usually have great pent-up passion and energy
- great imagination – respond to anything vague or romantic
- Avoid moments of pettiness
- At all costs, do not let reality break the illusion being creating
- Seducer’s plan is to disguise weakness
- Give their victim part of their dream
Doubt in morality is the decisive factor. The downfall of the moral interpretation of the universe, which loses its raison detre once it has tried to take flight to beyond, meets its end in Nihilism. “Nothing has any purpose” ( the inconsistency of one explanation of the world, to which men have devoted untold energy, gives rise to the suspicion that all explanations may perhaps be false). Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900)