Misaligned Architect 

Six in the fifth place means The tusk of a gelded boar. Good fortune. Here the restraining of the impetus forward drive is achieved in an indirect way. A boar’s tusk is in itself dangerous, but if the boar’s nature is altered, the tusk is no longer a menace. Thus also where men are concerned, wild force should not be combated directly.  THE 1 CHING, CHINA, CIRCA EIGTH CENTURY B.C.


The Organization Architect 

  • Create and align key elements of the organization system
  • Strategic Direction – Additional Capital – when is required?
    • From where?
  • Structure – Business – which remains?
    • Invest? Draw cash? 
  • Core Processes – Commitments – what decisions to critical resources? 
    • What to try to unwind? when?
  • Skill basses – Customers – which set of existing(internal/external) will continue to serve?
    • Which markets exit/enter and when?
    • What is our value proposition?

After this meeting, a story about Mao’s methods was presented in the rounds of Shanghai’s remaining executive suites. Mao called in Liu [shaoqi] And Zhou [Enlai]. He had a question for them: “How would you make a cat eat pepper?” Liu spoke up first. MAO : A BIOGRAPHY, ROSS TERRILL, 1999

“That’s easy,” said the number-two man. ” You get somebody to hold the cat, stuff the pepper in its mouth, and push it down with a chopstick. ” Mao raised his hands in horror at such a made-in-Moscow solution. “Never use force … Everything must be voluntary.” Zhou had been listening. Map inquired what the premier would do with the cat. ” I would starve the cat,” replied the man who had often walked the tightrope of opportunity. MAO : A BIOGRAPHY, ROSS TERRILL, 1999

Diagnose Misalignment

  • Design a plan to correct – between strategic direction and skill bases 
    • between structure and process/skills 
  • Core process – align an org like a long sailing trip
    • Destination – mission and goals 
    • Route – strategy 
    • Boat – Structure 
    • Processes – how to outfit 
    • Crew members – skill base 
  • Strategic Direction – Fundamental questions
    • What the organization will do?
    • What the organization won’t do?
    • Encompasses – Vision – why people should be motivated to perform at a high level?
      • Strategy – how resources should be allocated and decisions made?
      • Mission – what will be achieved?

“Then I would wrap the pepper with a slice of modern meat. If the super-cat is sufficiently hungry it will swallow it whole.” Mao did not agree with Zhou any more than with Liu. ” One must not use deceit either – never fool the people.” What, then would the chairman himself do? “Easy,” he said, concurring with Liu on that, at least. ” You rub the pepper thoroughly into the cat’s backside. When it burns, the cat will lick it off – and be happy that it is permitted to do so. ”  MAO : A BIOGRAPHY, ROSS TERRILL, 1999

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