Misaligned Architect
Six in the fifth place means The tusk of a gelded boar. Good fortune. Here the restraining of the impetus forward drive is achieved in an indirect way. A boar’s …
Six in the fifth place means The tusk of a gelded boar. Good fortune. Here the restraining of the impetus forward drive is achieved in an indirect way. A boar’s …
Your gentleness shall force More than your force move us to gentleness. AS YOU LIKE IT, WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE, 1564-1616 Power is elusive, enigmatic aura will make people want to know …
So then the world as an idea, the only aspect in which we consider it at present, has two fundamental, necessary, and inseparable halves. The one half is the object, …
The logic of pessimism leads finally to Nihilism. What is the force at work? – The notion that there are no values, and no purpose: the recognition of the part …
I was a believer in the politics of petitions, deputations and friendly negotiations. But all these have gone to dogs. I know that these are not the ways to bring …
A prince needs trouble little about conspiracies when the people are well disposed, but when they are hostile and hold him in hatred, then he must fear everything and everybody. …
Throughout his revolutionary and missionary travels, Hasan [ leader of the Nizari Ismailis] was searching for an impregnable fortress from which to conduct his resistance to the Seljuk empire. In …
I cannot give birth to wisdom myself and the accusation that many make against me, that while I question others, I myself bring nothing wise to light due to my …
Before i begin my attack, i must first become acquainted with her and her whole mental state – Soren Kierkegaard 1813 There is power in indirection – letting victims think …
The Lydian King Croesus had had Miltiades much in this thoughts so when he learned his capture, he sent a command to the people of Lampsacus to set him at …