Cognitive Restructure

Association. – All strong feelings are associated with a variety of allied sentiments and emotions. They stir up the memory at the same time. When we are under the influence we are reminded of similar states and we feel a renewal of them within us.

Cognition is the psychological term for the cortex process that most people refer to as “Thinking”.


  • The situations which trigger anxiety provide opportunities to examine 
  • Recognize rather than the situation itself and change – reduces anxiety 
  • Elements in mind
    • Event 
    • Interpretation
    • Resulting emotion
  • Recommended saying the new interpretation out loud for the establishment 


No Within and Without in the World – The philosophers do generally with the idea “within and without” as regards the form and substance (Wesen und Erscheinung) of the world. What they claim is that through the medium of profound feelings, one can penetrate deep into the soul of things (inner), and draw close to the heart of nature. But these feelings are deep only in so far as with them are simultaneously aroused, although, almost imperceptibly, certain complicated groups of thoughts (Gedankengruppen) which we call deep: a feeling is deep because we deem the thoughts accompanying it deep.

But deep thought can nevertheless be very widely sundered from truth, as for instance every metaphysical thought. Take from deep feeling the element of thought blended with it and all that remains is the strength of feeling which is no voucher for the validity of knowledge, as intense faith is evidence only of its own intensity and not of the truth that in which the faith is felt. ( Kein Innen und Aussen in der Welt) –


Cognitive Restructure:

  • The thoughts are the neurological and chemical processes in the brain 
  • The key to being sceptical of anxiety igniting thoughts and disputing them with evidence 
    • Thought Stopping: Interrupt the thought by saying “Stop”
      • The crucial next step is to replace another captivating idea – ideally pleasant 
    • Replace Coping Thoughts: Thoughts or statements that are likely to have a positive effect on emotional state 
      • Calm responding and increased ability to cope with difficult situations 
  • Some cognitions are illogical or unhealthy 
    • Create or exacerbate unhealthy patterns of behaviour or mental states 
  • The use of coping thoughts can slowly change a tendency to respond with guilt and shame 
  • The thoughts are used to rewire the brain 


Phenomenon and Thing-in-Itself. – The philosophers are in the habit of placing themselves in front of life and experience – that which they call the world of “Phenomena” – as if they were standing before a picture that is unrolled before them in its final completeness. This panorama, they think, must be studied in every detail in order to reach some conclusion regarding the object represented by the picture. From effect, accordingly is deduced cause and from cause is deduced the unconditioned. […] That which we now call life and experience – is a gradual evolution, is, indeed, still in the process of evolution and for that reason should not be regarded as an enduring whole from which any conclusion as to its author (the all-sufficient reason) could be arrived at, or even pronounced out of the question.

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