Philosopher Vs. Skeptic

Saturnine, Faustian, brooding Sal Maglie refused to leave the mound. At a critical moment, the Barber lost his nerve. Davey Williams, the Giant’s second baseman, rushed over, and as he was reaching for Lockman’s throw, Robinson crashed into him, a knee catching Williams in the lower back. Robinson’s knee was so swollen a day later that he could not play. Williams never really recovered. He dropped out of the major leagues two seasons later, at twenty-eight … “Actually” Robinson himself said a few days later, ” I am sorry that Williams got hurt. But when Maglie threw behind me, he was starting a really dangerous business, and I was going to put a stop to it before he hit Gil or Campy or Pee Wee in the head … ” After that, I saw Maglie start eight games against the Dodgers, but I never saw him throw another fastball behind a hitter. The grim, intimidating beanball had been intimidated himself, and by a bunt,  THE HEAD GAME , ROGER KAHN, 2000


There are still “Hotch-potch” philosophers who call themselves “realists” or “Positivists” who are specialists – have been vanquished and brought under the dominion of science.

Philosopher Evolution

  • Dangerous and difficult with many obstacles – will grow tired and specialize 
    • Science structures increased
    • Might lose his self-respect unless becomes a great play-actor – misleader
  • Difficulty – Demanding judgment concerning life 
    • Learning to believe that it is his right to obtain his way through extensive/disturbing experiences
    • Confused by scientific man and his ideals, or the multitude and God-intoxicated man
  • Genuine Wisdom – Lives unphilosophically unwisely and imprudently, risks and plays this bad game
    •  To the populace seems kind of fight of a bad game, prudence and apart
  • Philosophers of the future – won’t deal with “truth” to “please”/”elevate”
    • People of experience – in a new, wider dangerous sense 
    • Might call themselves critics in body and soul – critics as an instrument to the philosopher
      • Living unphilosophically 
    • Conscious employment of a unity of method
    • Wary courage and standing alone – self-responsible
    • Deny and dissect with delight – considerate and cruel 
  • Able with a variety of eyes to look at any distance – tasked to create values
  • Commanders and law-givers – “Thus shall it be” 
    • They determine why and wither of mankind 
    • Grasp the future with creativity 
    • Whatever is, was becomes means, an instrument and a hammer 
  • Knowing is creating – creating is law-giving – the will to truth is the will to power

Presumable [ Nature of the] Victory of Doubt. Let us assume for a moment the validity of the sceptical standpoint: granted that there is no metaphysical world, and that all the metaphysical explanations of the only world we know are useless to us, how would we then contemplate men and things? [MENSCHEN und Dinge] . This can be thought out and it is worthwhile doing so, even if the question of whether anything metaphysical has ever been demonstrated by or through Kant and Schopenhauer, is put altogether aside. For it is, to all appearances, highly probable that men, on this point, will be, in the mass, sceptical. The question thus becomes: What sort of a notion will human society, under the influence of such a state of mind, form itself? HUMAN ALL TOO HUMAN , 1878

Perhaps the scientific demonstration of any metaphysical world is now so difficult that mankind will never be free from a distrust of it. And when there is formed a feeling of distrust in metaphysics, the results are, in the mass, the same as if metaphysics were refuted altogether and could no longer be believed. In both cases, the historical question, with regard to a metaphysical disposition in mankind, remains the same.HUMAN ALL TOO HUMAN , 1878

The Skeptic

  • Easily frightened – mild and pleasing – Soporific and sedative – lovers of repose 
    • Loves to festival his noble aloofness
  • A delicate creature – against the “Goodwill” – says ” What do I know? “
  • Against the non-sceptic – as an evil treating 
    • The spirit of the objective man 
    • People hear impatient – timid hearers 
    • Ask many questions – said to be dangerous
  • Scepticism is the most spiritual expression of physiological temperament. nervous debility and sickliness 
    • Here I don’t trust myself. If the door is open why enter immediately? What’s the use of any hypotheses? 
    • Is there not time for that – the uncertain has its charm
    • Arises whenever separated races or classes suddenly blend 
    • The most diseased and degenerated is the will – unfamiliarity of independence of decision, or the pleasure of willing
      • Death of will/paralysis 
      • Diffused unequally – according to the time culture that has prevailed

When opponents are unwilling to fight with you, it is because they think it is contrary to their interests, or because you have misled them into thinking so.  SUN TZU

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