Processing The Roue


These halves are therefore inseparable even for thought, for each of the two has meaning and existence only though and for the other, each appears with the other and vanishes with it. They limit each other immediately; where the object begins the subject ends. The universality of this limitation is shown by the fact that the essential and hence universal forms of all objects, space, time, and causality, may, without knowledge of the object, be discovered and fully known from a consideration of the subject, i.e. in Kantian Language, they lie in a priori in our consciousness. Arthur Schopenhauer1788-1860


The Roue

  • Consummate and dangerous seducer – has lived a good life and experienced many pleasures 
  • Seduction by being the one who resists – The seducer controls the dynamics
    • Never give in or let the guards too early 
    • Resists their advances – by young and innocent -play as a child
    • Make a show of how little experience the hunter has


That he discovered this is one of Kant’s principal merits, and it is a great one. I however go beyond this, and maintain that the principle of sufficient reason is the general expression for all these forms of the object of which we are a priori conscious; and that therefore all that we know purely a priori is merely the content of that principle and what follows from it; in it all our certain a priori knowledge is expressed. In my essay on the principle of sufficient reason I have shown in detail how every possible object comes under it; that is, stands in a necessary relation to other objects, on the one side as determined, on the other side as determining: this is of such wide application, that the whole existence of all objects, so far as they are objects, ideas and nothing more, may be entirely traced to this their necessary relation to each other, rests only in it, is in fact merely relative; but of this more presently.Arthur Schopenhauer1788-1860


I have further shown, that the necessary relation which the principle of sufficient reason expresses generally, appears in other forms corresponding to the classes into which objects are divided, according to their possibility; and again that by these forms the proper division of the classes is tested. I take it for granted that what I said in this earlier easy is known and present to the reader, for if it had not been already said it would necessarily find its place here. Arthur Schopenhauer1788-1860

The Seductive Process

  • Deepening interest – Must hint at a complexity that cannot be grasped in a week or two 
  • Invades filling someone’s mind with images 
  • Slippery slope – targets begin to fantasize about the seducer 
  • The Seducer Character – Elusive mystery
    • Irresistible lure with promising great pleasure if possessed
  • Thrives on mixed signals – anything eludes interpretations 
  • Thrives on ambiguity – the key to radiating mystery – both attracting and holding attention

The Cheif distinction among our ideas is that between ideas of perception and abstract ideas. The latter form just one class of ideas, namely concepts, and these are the possession of man alone of all creatures upon earth. The capacity of these, which distinguishes him from all the lower animals, has always been called reason. We shall consider these abstract ideas by themselves later, but, in the first place, we shall speak exclusively of the ideas of perception. These comprehend the whole visible world, or the sum total of experience, with the conditions of its possibility. Arthur Schopenhauer1788-1860

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