Skirting The Exotic

Before i begin my attack, i must first become acquainted with her and her whole mental state – Soren Kierkegaard 1813

There is power in indirection – letting victims think that they have control over you – Making the targets do what you want them to do without realizing it.

False Sense Of Security

  • Create the sensation with an indirect approach 
  • Lull the target into feeling secure, then strike
  • Move gradually from a friend to a lover – Open the golden gate (their mind)
    • Without calling attention to itself as manoeuvre 
    • Spend time – make the victim comfortable – lower their resistance 
  • Seem to cultivate a neutral relationship – childhood yearnings that govern adult behaviour  
    •  Friendly conversations about Tastes/ weaknesses/ character / 
  • Too direct and you risk stirring up resistance that won’t be lowered 
  • Arrange an occasional “chance” encounter – bring valuable information
  • Haunt the periphery of your target life 

I do not approach, I merely skirt the periphery of her existence….this is the first web which she must be spun. – Soren Kierkegaard 1813

Irony – Irony is in place only as a pedagogic tool, employed by a teacher in dealing with any kind of pupil: its objective is humiliation, making ashamed, but of that salutary sort which awakens good resolutions and inspires respect and gratitude towards him who treats us thus of the kind we feel for a physician. The ironist poses as unknowing, and does so so well that the pupils in discussion with him are decided, grow bold in their belief they know better and expose themselves in every way; they abandon circumspection and reveal themselves as they are – Up to the moment when the lamp they have been holding up to the face of the teachers sends its beams very humiliatingly back on to themselves. HUMAN ALL TOO HUMAN 1878

Exotic Fetishit

  • Identify by their strong rebellious steak – fetishize the music from this or that art/culture
    • Like to travel 
    • Houses filled from faraway places 
  • Bad Victims – They feel empty inside 
  • Self-deluders – A strong dose of self-loathing 
  • Seduction – position yourself as exotic 
    • Exotic clothes/ subjects /places/ different backgrounds/ race

Where such a relationship as that between a teacher and pupil does not obtain, irony is ill-breeding, a vulgar affectation. All ironical writes depend on the foolish species of men who together with the author would like to feel themselves superior to all others and who regard the author as the mouthpiece of their presumption. – Habituation to irony, moreover, like habituation to sarcasm, spoils the character, to which it gradually lends the quality of a malicious and jeering superiority: in the end one comes to resemble a snapping dog which has learned how to laugh but has forgotten how to bite. HUMAN ALL TOO HUMAN 1878

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