What we wish, we readily believe, and what we ourselves think, we imagine others think also. Julius Caesar (100-44 B.C.)
- Different targets should change the whole dynamic
- No two seductions should be the same
- Accompanied by love and desire
- Love – is a feeling akin to a taste for hunting
- It is a craving for an activity which needs an incessant diversity of stimuli
- To challenge the skills of Don Juan
- Desire – Strong emotions will slowly infect the victim
- It is not the quality of the desired object that gives us pleasure, but rather the energy of the appetites of Don Juan
- Love – is a feeling akin to a taste for hunting
The real impact of such a strategy is the dissipation of resources, the creation of both self-fulfilling and suicidal prophecies, and the destruction of truth and trust. It maximizes confusion and disorder and destroys the organization’s resilience, adaptability, core values, and ability to respond. The key to such strategy says [Colonel John] Boyd, is less deception (the creation of a false order)and more ambiguity (confusion about reality itself).THE MIND OF WAR, GRANT T.HAMMOND
You want to combine fact and fiction to create ambiguity for an adversary, for the combination creates more problems, requires longer to sort out, and calls more into question than merely inserting false information. As an example, he recalled the story of a group of Germans after the Normandy invasion who had stolen some American uniforms and jeeps. They went around the French countryside changing all the road signs to confuse the Allies as they advanced through the area. THE MIND OF WAR, GRANT T.HAMMOND
The Pampered Royal
- Were taught that others would do the entertaining for them – Classic spoiled children
- Identification and recognition – Turmoil in the past
- Air of aristocracy
- Short-term relationships
- Job changes
- Travel
- Excellent and loyal victims
- The reality of the victim is looking for one person, that parental figure who will give them the spoiling they so deeply crave
- Do not offer a long-term relationship
- Seduction – Variety is key
- Be ready to provide distractions – Colour, spectacle, new places to visit, novel experiences
- Air of Mystery
- Continuous surprises
Soon, The Americans figured out that the directions had been reversed and simply did the opposite of whatever the sign indicated. How much more effective it would have been if the Germans had changed only a portion of the signs, a third to a half, and created even more problems for the Americans. Creating ambiguity about the signs accuracy and prolonging the time it would take to discover the problem would have been far more effective than changing all the signs in a consistent fashion. THE MIND OF WAR, GRANT T.HAMMOND