The Professor Escape

I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow, than a man swear he loves me.— William Shakespeare

Seducers never mention love and make its absences speak volumes. Love is an emotion that victims will wonder why it’s not mentioned – as they will inevitably bring it up by themselves. It’s much more effective to infiltrate the circle of the target by getting through other people – The seducer is no longer a stranger.

It is impossible to win a contest with a helpless opponent since if you win you have won nothing. Each blow you strike is unreturned so that all you can feel is guilt for having struck while at the same time experiencing the uneasy suspicion that the helplessness is calculated. STRATEGIES OF PSYCHOTHERAPY , JAY HALEY 1963

The Professor

  • Overdeveloped and overstimulated mind 
    • Analyzing and criticizing everything 
  • Excellent and rewarding victims 
  • Seduction by offering an escape from their mind – by a professional Siren or Rake 
    • Hide your intellectual tendencies 
    • Make them feel like Don Juan / Siren 
    • Give them mental superiority to judge you 

Huang Ti, The legendary Yellow Emperor and reputed ancestor of the Chou dynasty, the historical paradigm of concord and civilization, is said to have brought harmony from chaos, tamed the barbarians and wild beasts, cleared the forests and marshes, and invented the “five harmonious sounds,” not through an act of epic bloodshed, but through his superior virtue, by adapting and yielding to “natural conditions” and to the Will of Heaven. Confucianism henceforth repudiates as unworkable the idea of military solutions to human problems. RELIGIOUS MYTHOLOGY AND THE ART OF WAR, JAMES A. AHO 1981

Huang Ti’s most notable heir, we are told, was Ti Yao, a gentleman who “naturally and without effort,” embraced reverence, courteousness, and intelligence. Nevertheless, during his reign, the Deluge, mythology’s universal symbol of anomie, threatened to inundate the land. Thus it fell upon him to appoint a successor to preserve the order of his own son. Ti Yao chose the most qualified man for the job, the venerable Shun, who had in various tests already demonstrated a capacity to harmonize human affairs through righteousness… RELIGIOUS MYTHOLOGY AND THE ART OF WAR, JAMES A. AHO 1981


  • The Initial stage is to establish a natural distance, seem harmless and give yourself room to move 
    • Seducers must find ways to calm any sense of mistrust 
  • Less colourful words are more effective
    • Target tunes them out by looking at your face, beginning to imagine and fantasize, falling under the spell
  • Tactics – Banal conversations
    • Hypnotize the target 
    • Dull front – Give amplified power – to looks/ suggestive words
  • Mysterious – Provide tension that is delightful 
    • The opposite sex is something we can never understand 
    • Source of unease


Shun in turn selected Yu the Sage to engineer an end to the flood. Because Yu refused wine and always acted appropriately, moving with and not resisting nature, the Way of Heaven (Tien Tao) was revealed to him. He subsequently harnessed the river waters not by fighting against them with a dam, but by yielding to them and clearing for them a wider channel within which to run. Were it not for Yu, so the story goes, who herein personified the wisdom of both Confucius and Lao-tzu, the Taoist prophet, we would all be fish.  RELIGIOUS MYTHOLOGY AND THE ART OF WAR, JAMES A. AHO 1981

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