Vision Evaluation

The fundamental problems of Metaphysics – If a history of the development of thought is ever written, the following proposition, advanced by a distinguished logician, will be illuminated with a new light: ” The universal, primordial law of the apprehending subject consists in the inner necessity of cognizing every object by itself, as in its essence a thing unto itself, therefore as self-existing and unchanging, in short, as a substance.” Even this law, which is here called ” Primordial,” is an evolution: it has yet to be shown how gradually this evolution takes place in lower organization. HUMAN ALL TOO HUMAN , 1878

Identify gaps between needed and existing skills and knowledge – underutilized resources: partially exploited tech.

Employees Evaluation

  • It is not always about the players but also about the positions 
  • Judgment – especially under pressure – makes a sound prediction
    • Develop good strategies for avoiding problems 
  • Competence – technical and experience
  • Trust – keep their word
  • Right kind / burned-out energy?
  • Focus – setting priority 
  • Relationships – hard to work with/ get along?

The first step towards the logical is judgement, the essence of which, according to the best logicians, is belief. At the foundation of all beliefs lies the sensation of pleasures or pain in relation to the apprehending subject. A third feeling, as the result of two prior, single, separate feelings, is judgment in its crudest form. We organic beings are primordially interested by nothing whatever in anything)Ding) except its relation to ourselves with reference to pleasure and pain. Between the moments in which we are conscious of this relation (the states of feeling) lie the moments of rest, of not feeling: then the world and everything (Ding) have no interest in us.HUMAN ALL TOO HUMAN , 1878

Admitting that we have recognised the impossibility of interpreting the world by means of these three categories and that from this standpoint the world begins to be worthless to us; we must ask ourselves whence we derived our beliefs in these three categories. Let us see if it is possible to refuse to believe in them. If we can deprive them of their value, the proof that they cannot be applied to the world is no longer sufficient reason for depriving that world of its value. Result: The beliefs in the categories of the reason is the cause of Nihilism – We have measured the worth of the world according to categories which can only be applied to a purely fictitious world.  THE WILL TO POWER 1901

Inspiring vision

  • Keep asking why should people feel inspired to expend extra effort.
  • Contain evocative language – taps to sources of inspiration
  • Makes people part of the story – connect to a larger narrative 
  • Built on teamwork and contribution to society 
  • Influence Landscape – Process of mapping – “Shadow Organization” 
    • Who might block the agenda and why? Work to neutralize 
    • Who are the key decision-makers? What do you need them to do?
  • Map Influence Networks – who influence whom on issues of concern 
    • Identify key points of contact between your org and others 
    • Get the boss to connect you to shareholders 
    • Request a list of people outside your group whom the boss thinks you should get to know


Conclusion: All values with which we have tried, hitherto, to lend the world some worth, from our point of view, and with which we have therefore deprived it of all worth ( once these values have been shown to be inapplicable) – all these values, are psychologically, the results of certain views of utility, established for the purpose of maintaining and increasing the dominion of certain communities: but falsely projected into the nature of things. It is always man’s exaggerated ingenuousness to regard himself as the sense and measure of all things. Nihilism represents an intermediary pathological condition(the vast generalisation, the conclusion that there is no purpose in anything, is pathological): whether it be that the productive forces are not yet strong enough – or that decadence still hesitates and has yet discovered its expedients. THE WILL TO POWER 1901

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