What if you can control your thoughts? What if you can reap joy out of every moment? What if you can be still for long periods?
There is a space of stillness. Gap silence between your thoughts. Buried under more than 50 thousand daily thoughts the average person has. It is a different way of thinking. Mindful. No longer attached to your thoughts, especially negative ones. An easy and quick read from Declutter your mind explore this subject.
You will notice the ability to ask “Where will my next thought come from?”
Some benefits:
- Reduce stress and anxiety
- Quiet
- Increased awareness
- A calmer state of body and mind
- A trained mind, under your control
- Higher quality relationships
- Mindful actions. The focus is on the journey, the joy is found in doing the activity not in finishing it. Success and achievement exist on a continuum.
- Reframe Negative – You have a bias for the negative due to evolutionary reasons. Strive to reframe. You can also accept it.
- Mindfulness meditation
- Values and priorities oriented
- Simplify Actions – e.g. eat mindfully (look, smell, taste, notice hunger, …)
- S.M.A.R.T Goals:
- Specific
- Measurable
- Attainable – a little challenge is advised
- Relevant
- Time-bound – Preferably 3 months ahead – no longer
Research shows that close relationships and social connections keep you happy and healthy, humans are a highly complex social being. You can be mindful of your relationships. The best place to start is within you.
What is a high-quality relationship?
- Open communication
- Shared interests
- Mutual trust and respect
- Emotional and intellectual intimacy
- Priority
- Physical touch – for personal
- Presence
- Empathic listening – The speaker should feel safe, validated, and understood
- Eliminate comparing with others
- Deal with toxic relationships – minimize contact, time, or let go
- Practice mindfulness