Masculine Confidence
What is Masculine Confidence? Masculine Confidence: The ability to appear certain by tolerating uncertainty For hundreds of thousands of years, it was required for survival Earned: Increasing your confidence …
Posts that aim to enrich and arm you with Energetic skills.
What is Masculine Confidence? Masculine Confidence: The ability to appear certain by tolerating uncertainty For hundreds of thousands of years, it was required for survival Earned: Increasing your confidence …
What is small-talk? Day by day, I am witnessing the importance of conversation skills. Good conversation skills reduce anxiety in social situations, enhance your leadership skills, improve your quality of …
How do horses “think”? Why think like a horse? When most people usually think about horses, they easily imagine noble and beautiful creatures. To attempt to understand the world from …
How to make better decisions? In Decision-Making Villains,we have seen the difficulties to make wise decisions. A decision is not just about the outcome, it’s about the process. A decision …
Words are only painted fire, a look is a fire itself – Mark Twain As humans are social creatures par excellence, Eye-contact is a key. Many thinkers and researchers on body …
How to exterminate decision-making villains? Daniel Kahneman, The psychologist, and Nobel-prize winner economist notable for his work on the psychology of judgment and decision-making, as well as behavioral economics – …
What is “informal” thinking? Informal thinking is actually natural. It maximizes productive planning relative to energy. Say you are sitting with your friend in a cafe having a coffee, and …
How to fail at almost everything and still win big? Scott Adams the famous cartoonist for Dilbert, has probably failed at more things than anyone you have ever heard of. …
What’s the recipe for relaxed control? The idea is taken from Getting Things Done that advice using your mind to get things off your mind into a trusted system, which …
What does “done” means? What does “doing” looks like? David Allen, the writer of the famous Getting things done, shares his methodology for elevated effectiveness and efficiency to reach a …